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Yume Nikki

Yume Nikki (ゆめにっき, lit. Dream Diary) is a surreal adventure game by pseudonymous Japanese developer KIKIYAMA. The game was made using RPG Maker 2003, and is regarded as one of the most original applications of the software, as well as the start of a possible new genre of games. In the game, players explore the dreams of a hikikomori named Madotsuki, where they encounter a number of surrealistic horror creatures and locations. The game was created using RPG Maker 2003, but has few elements commonly associated with role-playing games, such as battle, leveling up, and quests. The primary objective in Yume Nikki is to collect items called "effects" to complete the game.

The initial version was released as a free online download in June 2004 with subsequent updates over time, the last occurring in 2007. It was later released on Steam by publisher Playism in January 2018. A 3D reboot, Yume Nikki: Dream Diary, was released the following month. In addition, various fangames inspired by it have also been released


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Players control a hikikomori named Madotsuki (窓付き, lit. windowed) at home in her apartment, the only area she can explore when awake.

After Madotsuki falls asleep, she begins to dream. Madotsuki's dream resembles the room she's in, except that she is able to leave the room. This takes Madotsuki to a nexus of 12 doors, with each leading to a different world. These 12 worlds, in turn, connect to a number of other worlds, forming a large and expansive area for the player to explore. The purpose of the game is for the player to navigate these dream worlds to obtain 24 objects, known as "effects".

There is no way to encounter a game over in the game, though enemies do exist in the form of NPCs that can teleport the player to inescapable areas, forcing them to wake up or use an effect to return to the nexus.

The player assumes control of Madotsuki as she explores the world of her dreams and nightmares, as she explores the world in her head  we discover fragments of her hidden secrets and as to why she refuses to leave her room.


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Is the playable protagonist of Yume Nikki. She is one of the characters in Yume Nikki with an established name.

As with virtually everything else in the game, Madotsuki's identity and life are a mystery. Only what can be seen in-game can be considered canon, although there are many varying interpretations of her.

Although there is no indication nor canonicity of age given in the game, she is often depicted as a young person.



Is a blonde girl with a ponytail, green shirt, a brown skirt and red shoes. In the game, she has either open blue eyes which are constantly looking to her left side (giving a somewhat annoyed expression), or her eyes are closed, crying blue teardrops. In the manga her design is interpreted to have open eyes. She lives alone in a single room, like Madotsuki herself. She may prefer solitude, as she is located in one of the deeper dream locations and is the only NPC present in The Pink Sea.


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is a character found in Madotsuki's dreams. They are found by sleeping in one of the five beds present in the dream world, going down the Staircase of Hands, walking past the elevator, and using either the Umbrella or Yuki-onna effect to extinguish the fire



If you turn off the light in Poniko's Room, there is a 1 in 64 chance that the Uboa event will occur. Whether the event will occur is determined when the player enters the room (leave and enter again for the next chance) or waits five seconds after trying. Uboa was added along with the Pink Sea in Ver.0.08.



She is located in a tunnel near Dave Spector. To meet her, you must kill Dave Spector with the knife and walk into the tunnel from the west. She will be somewhere in the darkness - it is a good idea to use the Cat Effect to locate her.

Interacting with her will trigger a brief full-screen event, where a picture of her face will fade in and out upon the screen. After this, she vanishes away to another place in the area.



Her usual appearance only remains until you use the Stoplight effect on her. She immediately stops moving and changes into a different form: She now has five arms, one of which sprouts out of the top of her head; her stomach grows what seems to be a bloodless wound or vortex; and her left eye and mouth begin to melt or dribble, which is usually interpreted as her crying and drooling.

If you run into Monoko while she is in this form, a full-screen event shows a detailed picture of Monoko bouncing, spinning and zooming in and out on the screen to a beat similar of Kalimba music

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